Friday, 22 July 2011

Head and hand

Well, this is turning out to be a bit bigger a project than first anticipated. Mainly because I can't help myself (apparently) and have to keep tinkering.
Hollowed out jawline

I have now ground out the nasal cavity and orbits, and started to re-construct a jawbone and palette internal. Oh and there is a good chance I will be pulling the teeth to put in the real thing (cast  - not removed!), and the cervical region of the spine is under construction...

Old spine vs. new
As for the hand project, it has had all the necessary tidying up done and is now in paint.
Shiny, shiny!

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Spring cleaning

I was having a bit of a sort out under the stairs the other day and came across an old, unfinished project.
I could finish that off quite easily, I'm thinking to myself, so off I trot to play about with it.
Problem is, when you have a look at something you did a while back - and you were really happy with it back then - now it looks terrible.... so I pretty much started it again...
I pulled off most of my previous re-working -it was a really bad cast that was in need of serious help which was the challenge that made me take it on in the first place, and added new casts (rather than sculpts) and gave it a heavy re-work.
Then I removed the original neck - it was totally incorrect and ugly.... so a quick paint to finish has turned into a mammoth undertaking, but much more fun.