Right, that is the APC done and dusted and the pistol commission is off to its new home tomorrow.
All the pictures taken that I need for my portfolio... time to draft that CV and see where it takes me.
There are more tasty pictures in the gallery - go have a look!
This week I have mostly been finishing off those tiny niggling little bits that stand between me and completion.
I am happy to say that the Na na na pistol is completed (all apart from the varnish layer), the APC display base is finished and successfully photographed and now..... (insert drum roll here)... I have finally got around to doing something about my hand sculpt that I started in January...
To avoid fiddling with the pistol and allow the paint plenty of time to dry - I hit the display base in earnest. Needless to say, it is now complete and I have taken a couple of test pictures. It seems to work just the way it was planned to... now to play around and get some really atmospheric pictures.