Thursday, 31 March 2011

Weapon of Choice

Now my main projects are complete, I can really get on with my commission piece.
The NES Zapper is in the process of being remodelled, and progress is quite rapid...
Here is the design....

I'm just putting a progress folder on, so as usual - check the gallery!

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Every cloud....

Thanks to my photoshoot mishaps last week, I had a little more time to play with other things.
Sooooo,......I have finished the APC!
Finalised the paint, put on and roughed up the decals from my friend Jim over at J-BOT Decals, and she looks bang on!
I then (feeling rather pleased with myself) managed to get on another shoot, which I got almost all to myself, and took pictures a plenty of the time machine as well as the APC for my portfolio.

I did take a seemingly large amount with a very nice set-up, downside being that I have to resize them all and change them to JPEG.
Here are a couple to wet the appetite, but do check the gallery for more over the next day or so.

Project Zenith

Mental note to self:-
a decent camera will notice dust that you don't! Air blast, vacuum, wash and do it all again (maybe twice)!!

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Time for a composite

Unfortunately, due to double booking, our photoshoot was cancelled - not to be too down heartened, I took a few (shabby) pictures on my own and "had a go".

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Time out!

Well, after a mammoth week of intense painting (to the point where I need a physiotherapist to straighten me out of this Quasimodo painter's hunch!) Project Zenith is basically there.
Photoshoot on Wednesday, so still a little tinkering time next week, but I am really pleased with the results.
Have a look in the gallery for the full progress shots, and keep watching for the photoshop composite pictures - hopefully sometime in the next week or so.

And without further ado, here she is....

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Time and Time again

Plenty more of these puns to milk mercilessly over coming updates! (Sorry)
All the major fabrication is now complete and the beast is primed... let the painting begin!
Components mocked up before paint, just to give a feel of how the model will look

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Time marches on

Well, one week into construction and Project Zenith is taking shape. Boy my greeblies and bits box is getting harvested in a biiiiig way!
The paint job on this bad boy will be EPIC!
Check out the gallery for progress shots, but enjoy this one of the cockpit to date.